Red Cross CPR and Lifeguard (LGI) Instructor Course

LGI Course Details

This mobile Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course (LGI Course) is designed for organizations such as municipalities, educational facilities, and summer camp settings, to name just a few. The training program is ideal for agencies and businesses needing to train or recertify lifeguards on a yearly basis or provide lifeguards for community facilities. In addition, the newly created lifeguard instructor can also provide bloodborne pathogen and CPR/AED/First Aid training to staff and the community. Lifeguard Instructors will also have the capability to conduct your facility audits and in-service training.

LGI Course Class Size

Class size ranges between 5 and 6 students. In the event there are more than 6 students, a second trainer or academy must be scheduled to meet the established standards. There is a 6 participant minimum to conduct the training. Additionally, if you do not have 5 candidates to take the course, we will open for other people to sign up outside of your organization.

What is Needed?

To host the class, a classroom with ample space and WIFI is needed. The pool should have shallow and deep water. The minimum acceptable depth of the deep end of the pool is 7 feet. Lastly, you must have an in tact spine board, removal board, and rescue tubes.  

What is in this Lifeguard Instructor Course and what can I teach after passing it?

The mobile lifeguard instructor course is designed to prepare instructor candidates to use course presentation materials, conduct training sessions, and evaluate the progress of candidates in a professional-level course.

Upon successfully becoming a Lifeguarding Instructor, one is eligible to teach many courses (as long as they hold the basic level certifications) including:

Link for the Lifeguard Instructor Course Fact Sheet PDF

Mobile Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course Student Prerequisites

Practice these ahead of class. No refunds for students not meeting these standards once the in-person class begins.

Contact us to reserve your LGI Course dates now!